Learn to make new, useful projects--in LESS time!

The art of sewing is one of fun, joy, and creativity. It is also an art that gets pushed to the back burner in the busy world that we all live in.
From family commitments to work outings, there is often little time for creating new sewing projects or learning new sewing techniques.
Take back your time with the Sew What Box, a sewing club that focuses on fun and useful sewing projects. Project box members will receive pre-cut project pieces, easy-to-follow video tutorials, and can expect to finish a project within an average of just 90 minutes!
With pre-cut fabric pieces, you can unleash your creativity and get right to the fun part--sewing! Plus, all members also receive exclusive access to more patterns and tutorial videos in the members-only project vault.
About Us:
Sew What Box is a small, family-run business based in the Pacific Northwest. All of our graphic designs, sewing project designs, and tutorial videos are created in-house. We also cut and pack all of our pre-cut project kits right here in the USA.
The Sew What Box membership club was first offered to consumers in December of 2018. The idea for this pre-cut project club was born a series of "Sip and Sew" classes that we had previously offered in the Spokane, WA, area. These classes were very similar to the ever-popular wine and paint nights, and attendees were able to choose from some pre-cut fabric options, use a provided sewing machine, and follow along with live instructions. Often, we heard surprized remarks as the attending sewists completed a beautiful project after having doubts about their abilities.
Wanting to increase the positive impact that these fun and easy projects could have in the world (while also getting tired of lugging 25 sewing machines around from location to location), we converted the pre-cut project model into a subscription box format.
Today, we still help sewists along their sewing journey with project inspiration, video tutorial explanations, time-saving pre-cut sewing project pieces, and sewing community.
We are blessed to have been serving the sewing community since 2018, and look forward to many more fun years of creativity!