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Gift Card Holder Tutorial
Part fo the 2022 Edition of the Sew What Box 12-Days of Christmas.
Let's turn a sometimes-non-personal gift (a gift card) into a super special and personalized item with a hand-made gift-card holder!
Project Steps:
1. Iron the fusible interfacing onto the wrong side of one of the pieces of fabrics (onto the not-pretty side of the fabric). The side of the interfacing that you can feel little dots on is the side that needs to be facing toward the fabric piece when you iron it on place because those dots are the glue. Set your iron to no steam and place a press-cloth, cotton fabric piece, or piece of paper between your iron and the interfacing and fabric before pressing.
2. Place both printed fabrics right sides together and sew all the way around all edges with a 0.5" seam allowance, leaving a 2" gap in the sewing on the long edge of the piece.
3. Turn the item right side out through the hole that you left, using your finger, a turning tool, or a pencil to poke out the corners flat. Press the piece flat, turning the raw edges into the hole about 0.5" and pressing flat.
4. Fold the piece, as pictured, and press to hold the fold. Then, top stitch about 0.25" from the edge on both long edges and the bottom.
5. Insert a gift card and spread some joy!